Sunday, April 22, 2012

Frey Chocolate Factory Tour

In March, we got to take a tour of the Frey Chocolate Factory before we played our alphorns for the Seminary and Institute Europe Faculty Meeting in Zurich. As part of the tour, we were allowed into the employees' company store. This is our "haul." The bags of chocolate covered confections were only 3 francs for a kilo. (That's a steal!) The boxes of these "Pralinés" (kind of like our See's candy) were given as gifts at the end of the tour, retail for 8 francs each at Migros, and contain only about 10 different candies in each box. They were making the chocolate popcorn when we toured, so we got some to try. Not an American taste. But I just had to get the cookbook and messenger bag as souvenirs.

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