Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Snow on the Mountains

It is early October, and the mountains have their first coating of snow. Now, instead of gray, they are white. Lower down, some of the trees are still quite green.

Fall is on the Way!

We see this tree from our apartment window. It is amazing how the leaves are turning yellow in the same order as the sun hits it each day. It looks like the sun is shining, even when it isn't!

Threshing in Zäziwil

The "one-lunger" tractor on the right is powering the thresher on the far left through the belt you see. How much faster that is than the hand threshing that was also demonstrated. As you can see, it was a picture-perfect day!

Swiss Luxury Travel in the 50's

We saw this tour bus in the Ballenberg parking lot. Dated 1952, it was top-of-the-line! Lots of glass all around for good viewing, plush seats--it's all there!

Can you see the net cargo shelves above the seats? This was the way to travel!

A Mini for The Foxes?

This must be the car we should have.

Swiss Farmer's Exhibition

One Monday, all the Swiss Farm organizations and many of the farmers filled the Bundesplatz with information and product stands. Question: Is this a milk can?

Or is it a snack bar?
They were giving out free samples of something, but we didn't try it.